Covid and the Culture of Maximum Harm

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As Southern Humboldt’s most intrepid writer, I understand that this does not constitute a high honor. Here in Humboldt County, where “positivity” trumps reality, and we spend more time cultivating flattering lies about ourselves than looking at the truth. We’ve become exceptionally good at ignoring things like dead bodies, huge ripoffs, and widespread environmental destruction as “business as usual.” But, when a brand new elephant shows up and makes itself comfortable on our sofa, and no one else seems to see it, I recognize my responsibility to my community. I mostly stopped writing about life in SoHum a couple of years ago to focus on music. I have a lot more to say beyond words than I do with words these days, but times like these demand more from us, and clearly, SoHum needs my perspective now more than ever.

In case you haven’t noticed, maybe because you were too…

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Spooks in SoHum

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I thoroughly enjoyed Robert F Kennedy Jr’s new book, “The Real Anthony Fauci.” It’s a real page-turner that exposes rampant corruption at Fauci’s NIAID, and reveals how he used his power, as head of that agency, to funnel taxpayers’ money into pharmaceutical company coffers, as well as his own pocket, for lethally toxic drugs that don’t work, and how he covered up the trail of death that has followed Fauci faithfully since the ‘80s, with phony, unethical science, often using vulnerable populations, including AIDS orphans, and rural African villagers as lab rats without their informed consent, or that of a guardian or advocate.

Every American needs to read this book right now, but for folks here in Southern Humboldt, the book holds special interest because it mentions a Thanksgiving gathering in Harris in the early ‘90s. At that gathering, one Peter Schwartz attempted to recruit a young Princeton Graduate with…

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Beyond Words

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Solstice Greetings,

At the conclusion of another cataclysmic year I’m very grateful to share this beam of sunshine:

This music has inspired me and kept me sane through these trying times. I don’t know where this music comes from, why it has called me to it, or why it feels so good, but it does. It just does. Beyond Words is hot, throbbing, organic EDM like you’ve never heard before, but it is also a collection of didgeridoo solos rich with healing infra-sound vibrations, recorded live with no accompaniment or overdubs. You have to hear it for yourself.

Right now, on the darkest night of this dark year, there has never been a better time to shake off the fear, shake off the anxiety and shake off the trauma of this whole crazy mind-fuck and shake your booty to these energizing ecstatic dance rhythms. Just crank it up and let…

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